Sean Riley
"Sometimes I am a simple man in a complicated world and other times I am a complicated man living in a simple world. Either way, I show up"
~Sean Riley
Married 18 years and a father of 5, he has developed skills that are necessary when choosing to go deep with a wild woman, be a strong support partner in birth, and raising children while walking confidently and with sacred wisdom in channeling the skills needed to create a life that cultivates abundance, joy and deep connectivity to the Earth, family and community.
Together with partner Mariana they have created a birth method (link-belly birthing)and parental permaculture design (link-sensual parenting) that families can live and grow on. We call this Full Family Thrival.
One of his callings is to show up for other men who are searching or in search of viable, and applicable ways to activate their honorability, inner strength and compassion for the world, people in their lives and for themselves.
He has held space for many men, women and children as they unwind pain from the past, step into self empowerment and forgiveness.
With a strong belief in commitment his work has developed organically to go deep into self identity, intimacy, trauma, healthy marriage, parenting and making money by ways of what you love.
" "Through the support of Community everything is possible"
For more information about The embodied Masculine Series click here (link to masculine series)
Sean Riley was born to Tim and Cynthia who divorced when he was 5.
His Mother crossed in 2017. Cynthia was an amazing women who's life mission was "working with the star beings to help awaken humanity (link her site)
Sean spent his younger years traveling the country with his mother as she developed her unique gifts and shared herself with the world. She was featured in many publications and had a small part in the remake movie "Escape from Witch Mountain". Under the gentle strength of her wings Sean was able to cultivate a deep relationship with the stars, Astrological shifts, portals, and Earth based belief systems that are rooted in the cosmos.
Moving from place to place was not always easy for Sean and this led to a period of soul searching for himself and his tribe. Working labor jobs and never really being able to ground into himself deeply he was called to step into service for the Earth and Her children. His vision was to create head start programs with a focus on sustainability, technology, and farming. He found himself enrolling in the Masters program at ASU. It was in the last year of his program that he met his life partner Mariana.

Sean Riley is our universal Father and facilitator of The Embodied Masculine Series and co-founder of the community Of The Earth, The Riley Rainbow Family Circus, and Of The Earth the award winning band.